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Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Printable Version

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Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 05-20-2011

The latest release includes a way to browse and insert models without ever leaving the game, which is a feature I've been meaning to add for months. However, there's one problem: the model database is almost empty! This is where I need your help: if you want to contribute something, just post it as an attachment in this thread, along with the name and description. If it's good, I'll add it to the model list (with a credit) and you might get to see your work used by dozens of Buildists!

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Qwertygiy - 05-20-2011


I'll add some of my earlier models to it, and also my super-spawner. Maybe some other stuff too!

Lava: As the name says, it's lava. AKA killbrick.

Super Spawner: A spaceportal wormhole that slowly rotates.

Smart Spawner Script: Spawns the player at the last spawner touched. Name any spawners besides the starting point "TestSpawner" and parent them in World. Do not add a SpawnPoint to them -- leave them as a normal Box or Circle. Only put SpawnPoints where you want the players to start the game.

Reset: A reset tool. Simple, yet not just a "health = 0" tool.

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - lol - 05-20-2011

And so began the simple way of getting free models.

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 05-20-2011

(05-20-2011, 08:45 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Niiiiccceee....

I'll add some of my earlier models to it, and also my super-spawner. Maybe some other stuff too!

Lava: As the name says, it's lava. AKA killbrick.

Super Spawner: A spaceportal wormhole that slowly rotates.

Smart Spawner Script: Spawns the player at the last spawner touched. Name any spawners besides the starting point "TestSpawner" and parent them in World. Do not add a SpawnPoint to them -- leave them as a normal Box or Circle. Only put SpawnPoints where you want the players to start the game.

Reset: A reset tool. Simple, yet not just a "health = 0" tool.

All added!

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Fat_Sacks - 05-20-2011

I'll upload weapon textures. Big Grin

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Slendurrman - 05-20-2011

Ohhhh, time to made 2D weapons.

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Sazaho - 05-20-2011

Cool- now I can put companion cubes ingame XD

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Spongebob1212 - 05-21-2011

Okay! Smile


Slide: You can slide on it!

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Llama - 05-21-2011

Ok, when I am unbanned I'll ad my Domino Tool. Smile

RE: Want to have your stuff featured ingame? - Spongebob1212 - 05-21-2011