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Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Printable Version

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Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Login - 05-25-2011

Thing is, I have been fighting this virus for 5 days. Straight. All day. Took away my beloved Saturday and Sunday. I thought it was fixed (The virus makes it so you can't open up anything, and starting up your computer is all weird). Well, a day later, I wanted to wipe the drive. I was like "I'm wiping the drive!" So, it wanted me to restart. The virus made it so when you restart (specifically, only applies to restarting, not shutting down the turning back on) and it also blocks programs that should automatically come up, making the wipe drive useless. So, now I was stuck with it, going like "It can't get any worse." well, another day later, I couldn't even get to the login screen, I got a blue screen saying "Windows has shut down to prevent errors from happening. Please try restarting" or something. Every time. Even on safe mode - won't let me login. Can't even get to the login screen.

So, now there are THREE COLLEGE people working on my computer to fix it, each of them have a Master's degree, they've been working on it for a while now. Must've been pretty badly screwed up. I'm on this (crappy) 2003 computer, which is (very) outdated. And looks ugly. And the text is just - yuck. So, there's my reason. I may be back at any time. Be ready.

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Who - 05-25-2011

Sorry to hear that buddy, i also have a 2003 (maybe 2002) PC, its slow as excrement

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - McNoobster - 05-25-2011

Viruses only take like a week to get rid of if you are getting some one to do it for you. Last time I got a virus I couldn't even get to the login page and they fixed it in just a few days.

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Chaos - 05-25-2011

Did you make a back up disk?

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Login - 05-25-2011

(05-25-2011, 01:43 AM)Chaos Wrote: Did you make a back up disk?

Thankfully, yes. Sadly, my minecraft file is at loss.

Everything else is OK.

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Who - 05-25-2011

(05-25-2011, 01:44 AM)Login Wrote:
(05-25-2011, 01:43 AM)Chaos Wrote: Did you make a back up disk?

Thankfully, yes. Sadly, my minecraft file is at loss.

Everything else is OK.

You lost your minecraft files, thats worst than the hole computer D:>

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Chaos - 05-25-2011

Ouch. Was it a huge world?

Sometimes I tend to like to start new.

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Login - 05-25-2011

(05-25-2011, 01:45 AM)Chaos Wrote: Ouch. Was it a huge world?

Sometimes I tend to like to start new.
It took me Weeks of non-stop playing to make my villages. I'm crushed. </3

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Chaos - 05-25-2011

I'll go tie the noose.

RE: Public Apology: I won't be on for a while. - Login - 05-25-2011

(05-25-2011, 01:47 AM)Chaos Wrote: I'll go tie the noose.

Hang the virus, please. Deserves 10 hangings.