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This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - Printable Version

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This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - Qwertygiy - 05-25-2011

Kyle Busch was ticketed for driving 128 miles per hour -- in a 45 mile per hour driving zone.

Not on the racetrack -- on the streets.


RE: This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - Eric - 05-25-2011

Wow! O.O On a 45 miles per hour street driving over 120 miles per hour!

RE: This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - sergentkyle - 05-26-2011


RE: This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - TheFlame - 05-26-2011

Imagine hitting a car on accident.....O_O'

RE: This is not a good day for the reputation of NASCAR drivers. - Ming-Yan - 05-27-2011

So? The speed limit on Lake Shore Drive is 40, people go 60-100.