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It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Printable Version

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It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Fish - 05-26-2011

We are opening a tin of money, and getting it in dollars! Their is like £ in their! We are getting £200 Each! Because (Hopfully if the Volcano ash doesn't come to Gatwick airport) we are going to Florida for 18 Days on Sunday! Big Grin Also we got £40 For now. Wink Got a cheatin' thing for the wii! :3 And the Blob 2. So yeah. :3

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Fire - 05-26-2011

Happy birthday fish!

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Ice - 05-26-2011

Happy Birthday!!!!
Enjoy your day!
Big Grin

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - McNoobster - 05-26-2011

You plays the wii online :O

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Fish - 05-26-2011

(05-26-2011, 02:43 PM)McNoobster Wrote: You plays the wii online :O

Nope, I use a SD Card thing. :o

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - sergentkyle - 05-26-2011

"De Blob" Is actually a very fun game. I saw it in GameInformer and tried it out myself.

RE: It's me and my Bro (Mudkip) Birthday! :D - Micky - 05-26-2011

I already sayd happy birthday to you in another thread!