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I need help! - Printable Version

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I need help! - Chance - 02-03-2013

Everytime I try to spawn in a block it just falls down.

How do I keep it flying?

RE: I need help! - al648 - 02-03-2013

In the properties panel on the right, make sure there is a check with fixed. I don't think you can edit it's default creation though.

RE: I need help! - Void - 02-03-2013

Hit the pause button in the editor and then transfix the block under its properties.

RE: I need help! - Leonartist - 02-03-2013

You anchor it.

RE: I need help! - Oak - 02-03-2013

Fixing is basically the same as anchoring, it keeps the box/circle/rectangle/triangle from falling off; it basically keeps something in position.

It's like glue.

RE: I need help! - Chance - 02-03-2013

I don't see a pause button! :c

RE: I need help! - Oak - 02-03-2013

A pause button for what? You mean to stop physics simulation?

RE: I need help! - Void - 02-03-2013

Sorry, it's the stop button, not the pause button.

[Image: Mx9ET2q.png]