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Check out my ODer skin - Printable Version

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Check out my ODer skin - Sazaho - 06-01-2011

It's so revealing and perverted, cos' it has it's arms showing. ZOMG HAX lol don't ban me.

Okay, down to the real point.

Suddenly, you make a skin with swimming shorts on, next minute, you're being called an ODer, or ODer is mentioned in a blaming way.

Just because it has realistic "shapes" it doesn't mean it's perverted, it means it's detailed, and non sexist!

RE: Check out my ODer skin - Glome - 06-01-2011

Hey bby i lv ur arm cleavage

tybby i luv u so mch wnnh c my othr arm cleavage

shur sonds lik a pln

tybby 4 agrrng wit me

RE: Check out my ODer skin - Ice - 06-01-2011

Little kids these days. Tsk, tsk, tsk.