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Does this sound like a cool game? - Printable Version

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Does this sound like a cool game? - TheFlame - 06-02-2011

It would be a Steampunk MMORPG FPS Sandbox. Where you are in huge world called Bronzious (5x the size of MC) where you can explore,civilize,and go on quests. You would be able to make your own vehicles and weapons.You would also be able to play online with other gamers and form crews,clans,and towns with them.Plus you could explore the whole Bronzious world with them. Bronzious would consist of the ocean,land,underground,and the sky. If I still know MrBossMan and I make this game I wil dedicate it to him. (From Cubebomb)

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - Qwertygiy - 06-02-2011

Sounds a bit like most other MMORPGs that I've never played.

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - TheFlame - 06-02-2011

By the way there would be about 50 different creatures that are tameable,agressive,and passive. I have changed my mind about building vehicles and guns,instead there would be premade guns and vehicles and if you want you can combine them and switch parts instead of having to find parts and make weapons and vehicles out of them. The game would be released on Mac,PC,Xbox 360 and kinect,and maybe the new console Nintendo is coming out with.

So it sounds unoriginal?

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - Qwertygiy - 06-02-2011

Pretty much. It's not like it wouldn't be cool -- it would just be considered a "copy" way more than Buildism is often called a copy of ROBLOX.

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - TheFlame - 06-02-2011

This would be kind of like
Red Dead Redemption
Halo Reach
and Roblox
with steampunk combined.
Well I thought the steampunk part would be original Sad

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - Qwertygiy - 06-02-2011

Personally, the only MMORPG game I'd feel like playing would be a racing game where you have your own car company to sell your models, you can buy other players's car models, you drive throughout a huge world to get to various racetracks, and you earn money and parts to make your cars with by racing.

And of course if you wreck your car in a race or on the streets it gets damaged or possibly totalled, in which it is unusable.

But unfortunately nothing like that exists that I know of.

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - TheFlame - 06-02-2011


RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - Qwertygiy - 06-02-2011

I know, like Gran Turismo taken to its most extremely epic conclusion.

*sigh* I really wish it could be made... :/

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - Who - 06-03-2011

Its not a bad idea, but i think ill stick to Fallout online.

Anyway i like the idea, but i wouldnt buy the game, more like giving it a try

RE: Does this sound like a cool game? - noob007 - 06-03-2011

You're planning on making it?