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Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - Printable Version

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Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - sergentkyle - 06-06-2011

I know, I'm the loser right now. I'm the person who people are talking about behind my back. I acted like a dick. I won't act like an idiot rage-quitting again.

I know you all are thinking; "Oh wow, he's so predictable. Creating a thread saying he's sorry then the next night he's gonna be a retard again lol idiot"

I will make it up to you guys somehow. But right now I'm the low-life to you all. I'm sorry.

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - broloxer - 06-06-2011



fuck you

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - Kieron - 06-06-2011

Oh wow, he's so predictable. Creating a thread saying he's sorry then the next night he's gonna be a retard again lol idiot.

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - AK-47 - 06-06-2011

"Whatever happens in chat, stays in chat"

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - Chaos - 06-06-2011

^ I made that rule for this reason.

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - Fire - 06-06-2011

I wasnt there , so i forgive you even though I have NO idea what happened.

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - sergentkyle - 06-06-2011

Thanks broloxer and fire.

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - McNoobster - 06-06-2011

Who cares me and fire and ming act like idiots in the chat

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - lol - 06-06-2011

It all started when sergentkyle told me that supposedly litvyak and I were trying to make him quit and *30 lines of rage later* He realized he made a fool of himself and apologized.

/The end

RE: Listen, all of you that were in the chat last night. - Who - 06-06-2011

i dont know what you did, neither i think you are an idiot

but if it makes you feel better then yes, i forgive you