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Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Printable Version

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Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - McNoobster - 06-07-2011

If you do don't spoil it I'm going to tell people after I know if anyone knows at all.

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - lol - 06-07-2011

You asked the mods to lower it?

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - McNoobster - 06-07-2011

(06-07-2011, 11:07 PM)LOL Wrote: You asked the mods to lower it?

Mods dont have page editing powers...

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Micky - 06-07-2011

I know how you did it....


RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Logic - 06-07-2011

I worked it out too, but I thought it would be cheating.

You clicked wildly on "Profile", and then because you viewed your profile, it keeps going up by one. So if you click on Profile 34 times, you add 34 views to your profile.


RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - noob007 - 06-07-2011

Jacob_ did it for the lulz.

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - McNoobster - 06-08-2011

(06-07-2011, 11:14 PM)noob007 Wrote: Jacob_ did it for the lulz.

You noob... yes he did....

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Qwertygiy - 06-08-2011

CE? Doubt that though...

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Slendurrman - 06-08-2011

Inspect Element.

RE: Anyone know how me and elite got - profile views? - Fat_Sacks - 06-08-2011

To be honest, I got profile views when someone F5'd my profile, forgot his name. It had rope in it.