2DWorlds Forums
I need to rant - Printable Version

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I need to rant - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 06-09-2011

The last few days have been really annoying me, so I have a few requests to make of all the forumers.

-DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE MODS ON THE FORUMS. For the most part we know what we're doing. However, this is a new site so we still might make mistakes, but PM us about it. The only "advantage" of posting about it on the public forum is to make the whole community more anti-mod. Yes, this is in the rules, and don't try to be clever by complaining about mod actions (ban, no ban, etc) without mentioning a mod's name. It's the same thing.
-DO NOT ASK TO BE MODERATOR. I've had 4 mod applications today alone. We don't need mods right now. The advantage of being a mod is less fun and more responsibility.
-DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT OTHER MEMBERS. As with mod complaining, this only makes the whole community hate that person and creates more tension. Be considerate. If this keeps up I might have to make a "no threads about other people, at all" rule which I really don't want to do.
-DON'T BE DISRESPECTFUL. I've seen more rude posts here than on any forum I've been an active member on, which was not what I was expecting at all. Think about how what you write might hurt someone else.
-DON'T BE STUPID. I wish I could make the forum read your post back to you before allowing you to post it, it would probably eliminate the spam problem.
-REMEMBER THE FORUM'S PURPOSE. I understand that a lot of you came here to get away from the ROBLOX forums, but if you want to do that you're going to have to give up some of your ROBLOX behaviors or this will become ROBLOX 2.0 and nobody wants that. Foruming is a method of communicating and sharing information, it is not a game in itself. I might have to start enforcing the rules much more strictly if things don't change.


RE: I need to rant - Glome - 06-09-2011

Alright Mr.Jacob_

On other news.
I've given up on being a troll I have decided to join the community.

I am starting a game right now, it will be awesome!

RE: I need to rant - Random - 06-09-2011

Don't worry about alts from me, this is my only account. ;D