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Performance Testing - Printable Version

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Performance Testing - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 06-10-2011

If you have time, open an empty game and paste this in the script console without clicking play:
game:scheduleTask(function() local t = os.time(); for i=1, 1000 do p = create("Box"); p.Position = Vec2D(math.random(0, 1000), math.random(0, 500)); p.Fixed = true p.Parent = game.World end; print(os.time() - t)end)

Tell me what the number it prints is. Then zoom out until the whole world is visible, hold F7 and tell me your average FPS.

RE: Performance Testing - Qwertygiy - 06-10-2011

Printed: 0.7660000324249268

FPS: Swaps between about 71 and 90, with occasional extremes of 63 and 100.

RE: Performance Testing - Glome - 06-10-2011

1.891 is the number it printed (rounded up)

and my fps was like 50

RE: Performance Testing - Kieron - 06-10-2011


RE: Performance Testing - broloxer - 06-10-2011

Number: 0.281000137329106

FPS = 100 - 90

RE: Performance Testing - Brassrhino - 06-10-2011


30 on Average

RE: Performance Testing - Fat_Sacks - 06-10-2011

.671000003815, or something like that
FPS- 70-20

RE: Performance Testing - AK-47 - 06-10-2011

Print-out: .4960000514984131

FPS: between 90 - 110

RE: Performance Testing - broloxer - 06-10-2011

(06-10-2011, 11:32 PM)AK-47 Wrote: Print-out: .4960000514984131

FPS: between 90 - 110

Your computer might be faster than mine.


RE: Performance Testing - AK-47 - 06-10-2011

Yea, but then it made the blocks in a much slower time.