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After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Printable Version

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After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Brassrhino - 06-11-2011


RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Glome - 06-11-2011

It's happened to me also :p

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - AK-47 - 06-11-2011

I got that once, I forgot to add a "sleep()" in a "while true do" XD

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Brassrhino - 06-11-2011

The Script that I Inserted was "print("Hello!")" :furious:

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Glome - 06-11-2011

(06-11-2011, 05:09 PM)AK-47 Wrote: I got that once, I forgot to add a "sleep()" in a "while true do" XD

ROFL That causes buildism to explode :3

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - AK-47 - 06-11-2011

(06-11-2011, 05:11 PM)Brassrhino Wrote: The Script that I Inserted was "print("Hello!")" :furious:

Wait, what?

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Kieron - 06-11-2011

(06-11-2011, 05:11 PM)Brassrhino Wrote: The Script that I Inserted was "print("Hello!")" :furious:

*spittake* THE F---!

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 06-11-2011

That's why you should save often (on your computer or the website.)

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - noob007 - 06-11-2011

Lol and I thought Java had garbage collection...

RE: After Hours of Work, did Inserting a Script just Crash Buildism? - toast - 06-11-2011