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What ever happened to Thegamerland? - Printable Version

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What ever happened to Thegamerland? - Leonartist - 02-08-2013

Whenever I visit the URL, I'm brought to a site called Avatards, and nothing is really on it. Did TGL close or something?

RE: What ever happened to Thegamerland? - VenomSinister - 02-08-2013

I only remember that meatspin. xD

RE: What ever happened to Thegamerland? - Oak - 02-08-2013

I think that the owner (Tom) sold the site, he was hacked OR he had to shut the site down due to copyright infringements, thus he probably started over again.
I really don't know.
I am merely listing the possibilities.

RE: What ever happened to Thegamerland? - DysLabs - 02-08-2013

He sold it.

RE: What ever happened to Thegamerland? - Oak - 02-08-2013

TGL was never any good anyway.