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Snow Mt. - Printable Version

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Snow Mt. - Ice - 06-13-2011

How do you like my new place?

Please give me your honest opinion. How can I improve?

RE: Snow Mt. - Fish - 06-18-2011

Awesome! It looks fun!

RE: Snow Mt. - Ice - 06-18-2011

Thanks. I am always looking for ways to make it better.

(OT- Yessss! Someone finally replied! Big Grin )

RE: Snow Mt. - sergentkyle - 06-24-2011

It took someone five days to reply...

Anyways. It's awesome!

RE: Snow Mt. - Login - 06-24-2011

In my honest opinion, it's quite good. The thing I think it needs improving on is the house. That background drives me insane.

RE: Snow Mt. - DJ_Waffles - 06-24-2011

It's up to you, but I think making the pond frozen would be a good addition, considering it is a moutain of snow.

RE: Snow Mt. - Ice - 06-29-2011

(06-24-2011, 11:01 PM)DJ_Waffles Wrote: It's up to you, but I think making the pond frozen would be a good addition, considering it is a moutain of snow.

Yeah....I was thinking of that.