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ROBLOX: The Joony Cola! - Printable Version

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ROBLOX: The Joony Cola! - Joonas08Joonas - 06-14-2011

You're feeling thirsty? Bloxy Cola is too expensive? Well, get the Joony Cola! Only 9 ROBUX!


We are not responsible of any damage drinking Joony Cola. If you meet any of those side effects, jump into water as quickly as you can. Side effects inculde: hole in heart, burning hair, burning hat, a cat in your hat, a cookie poping out of your mouth, a dozen of bees attacking you, a cat coming to you and scratching for no reason, guts flying out, a train crashing into your house, you getting nightmares, Santa not bringing presents for you, and kitty killing you in a video game that has guns.

Sorry if there is no picture.. uh, I don't know how to post screenshots

RE: ROBLOX: The Joony Cola! - AK-47 - 06-14-2011

I don't think you had to advertise this here...

Besides, you didn't texture it nicely.
*Slash that, technically Roblox is a game, so it's not totally illegal.