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Partnership with CB? - Printable Version

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Partnership with CB? - Fat_Sacks - 06-18-2011

I think it will make the forum and game community a bit more lively and probably will bring a lot more active users to both sides.
Just have like a "check out our friends on CB" on Buildism and vice-versa.

RE: Partnership with CB? - BuildistGuard - 06-18-2011

Yes I support and maybe one day let's merge both websites into one!

RE: Partnership with CB? - Fat_Sacks - 06-18-2011

Both sites have been worked on too long just to merge them and throw away all that work.

RE: Partnership with CB? - toast - 06-18-2011

buildism is good the way it is, i dont really like cb's layout

getting rid of buildism skins for cb people (avatars?) would mess everything up and enrage ebryone

RE: Partnership with CB? - Ice - 06-18-2011

Partnership with CB?
Sure, I don't have a problem with that.

Merge both websites?
No way.

RE: Partnership with CB? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 06-18-2011

It would be impossible to merge the two sites... CB characters wouldn't work well in the game, and Buildism characters aren't square.

RE: Partnership with CB? - AK-47 - 06-18-2011

I can't think of any compromise between the two...

RE: Partnership with CB? - Login - 06-18-2011

I think they should help each other out, if that's what you're saying. Merging the site is out of the question.

RE: Partnership with CB? - redflameman - 06-18-2011


RE: Partnership with CB? - Fat_Sacks - 06-18-2011

Flame, you're hated by both communities, so your oppinion doesn't matter.
And what I mean by partnership is just add links T the bottom of each site saying check out our friends at CB or Buildism.