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Skin Template - Printable Version

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Skin Template - noob007 - 06-19-2011

There isn't much need for the template to be all compact like that, why can't you just upload the skin the way it looks on your avatar?

RE: Skin Template - Ming-Yan - 06-19-2011

Probably mapping for ingame.
There needs to be a place for the side view too.

RE: Skin Template - noob007 - 06-19-2011

The side view can be right next to the avatar.

RE: Skin Template - simonheros - 06-19-2011

Actually I think it MUST be like this just like in MineCraft.
Thing is, it's hard in THIS cause it's all pixel by pixel, and we need oh so many pixels.

RE: Skin Template - noob007 - 06-19-2011

Why MUST it be like this?

RE: Skin Template - simonheros - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 10:29 PM)noob007 Wrote: Why MUST it be like this?

For the gaming. You can't make it a FLAT image like a normal drawing (normal body). You need it in sections to make movement. The game is made to take one section of your body that is for example your leg to make it move back and forth from your body. It's the only thing the game can convert it too.

Sorry if you don't get it im terrible at explaining. If you have previous knowledge in MineCraft skins (I don't) you might get it better.

RE: Skin Template - Fat_Sacks - 06-19-2011

Different dimentions need different positions.

RE: Skin Template - Ice - 06-20-2011

I just wish it could be bigger. (The template, not the avatar)

RE: Skin Template - Ming-Yan - 06-20-2011

It's because a texture map isn't always made so you can just fold it into the 3D model.
Sometimes parts are placed in odd places just because.

The template might just have to look like that to work in the game.