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Do ya think Jacob_'s Mom and Dad know that he made Buildism? - Printable Version

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Do ya think Jacob_'s Mom and Dad know that he made Buildism? - Fish - 06-20-2011

:o Do they? I mean it is a well scripted game, and he did it call him self. The updates are good, and he lets are users do alot of stuff to Making contest to Picking names and editing the website. He is a good website maker. He should be proud.

RE: Do ya think Jacob_'s Mom and Dad know that he made Buildism? - Andrew - 06-20-2011

I'm sure great work like this would not go un recognized.

RE: Do ya think Jacob_'s Mom and Dad know that he made Buildism? - Ice - 06-20-2011

I'm sure his parents know.

RE: Do ya think Jacob_'s Mom and Dad know that he made Buildism? - toast - 06-20-2011

unfortunately they probably dont care at all