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Discuss. - Printable Version

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Discuss. - ijfeswijfae - 02-22-2013

A few hours ago, I had the perfect girlfriend.

Then I woke up.

fugg this world


RE: Discuss. - Leonartist - 02-23-2013

Why don't you ask out a girl like I'm doing in a few days.

RE: Discuss. - Ghosty - 02-23-2013

Hint: If the word "perfect" can prefix anything except "disaster", "storm", or "nightmare", it's not of this world.

RE: Discuss. - Virtual - 02-23-2013

This happens a lot to me, Im having the perfect dream when I wake up

RE: Discuss. - Oak - 02-23-2013

she broke up with you because she found out you were real