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Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? (/showthread.php?tid=6181)

Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Jordan4762 - 06-24-2011

I want to learn java, and I could help with the game developing =)

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Qwertygiy - 06-24-2011

Jacob_'s said before that he works on the game so much that it would be impossible to have multiple people working on it, as the updates would conflict or overwrite.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - noob007 - 06-24-2011

(06-24-2011, 10:25 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Jacob_'s said before that he works on the game so much that it would be impossible to have multiple people working on it, as the updates would conflict or overwrite.

Not if he uses a version control system.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Jordan4762 - 06-24-2011

I dunno.. that version system plan sounds good to me...

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - chc4 - 06-25-2011

You can easily decompile it yourself, or if you want to make a game, do one yourself.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - AK-47 - 06-25-2011

If you want to know where it came from, you could always check Box2D.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Chaos - 06-25-2011

Jordan, start with a java book, then make a pong clone ect...

Plus, I don't think he would give you the source code. That's crazy considering you would most likely pass it out.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Jordan4762 - 06-25-2011

I dont want to pass it out... If he wanted he could even copyright this game......

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Chaos - 06-25-2011

Well I'm just going to say, learn java through a book. Not through an advanced java game. You just wouldn't get it.

RE: Can I see buildism's source code, non-compiled Jacob_ ? - Login - 06-25-2011

Jacob_ was asked of this by someone previously. He said no.