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You can see every thing in the game by running this code: - Printable Version

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You can see every thing in the game by running this code: - blocco - 06-25-2011

First, make sure you have the Lua console open at the bottom. Then, run the code below in it. Courtesy of blocco. ^_^

[lua]n=0; repeat sleep(0.1) print(game:get(n), " - ", game:get(n).Parent) n=n+1; until game:get(n+1) == nil;[/lua]

RE: You can see every thing in the game by running this code: - Azure_Eyes - 06-25-2011

(06-25-2011, 04:44 PM)blocco Wrote: First, make sure you have the Lua console open at the bottom. Then, run the code below in it. Courtesy of blocco. ^_^

[lua]n=0; repeat sleep(0.1) print(game:get(n), " - ", game:get(n).Parent) n=n+1; until game:get(n+1) == nil;[/lua]

So there ARE hidden objects...