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Would you say that updates keep an online game active and alive? - Printable Version

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Would you say that updates keep an online game active and alive? - Oak - 02-24-2013

I would, most MMO's that are popular are popular because many previous players they have had returned due to the fact that new things have came out. Just look at Minecraft, they have weekly or even monthly updates here and there, most are minor but they make a difference and the community stays because they look forward to these updates.

RE: Would you say that updates keep an online game active and alive? - Leonartist - 03-07-2013

Jacob added triangles, and it really didn't make us anymore active. Multiplayer is what we really need.

RE: Would you say that updates keep an online game active and alive? - ijfeswijfae - 03-07-2013

First, we need an influx of new users, then we get their attention with the promise of updates and activity.

RE: Would you say that updates keep an online game active and alive? - Oak - 03-07-2013

Leon, I agree. I messaged Jacob to put it back online as it makes us a lot more active and apparently it was up for 24 hours yesterday or the day before, I never even noticed it. He said only two people started a MP server, no matter how many people, it should be up.