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I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Printable Version

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I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - KeyBored - 07-01-2011

Teleport to the Lagoon from the base. It should go through the UI introduction and music should play. Once the UI goes away, the music will still play for a moment. After a while the screen will go black, then the music will stop and the blackness will fade away. In the time between the UI vanishing and the blackness fading, if you hop on one of the boats it will act very weirdly once the blackness fades.

What it says in the UI's script for that period:
script.Parent.Label.Text = "Jeff: Have fun at The Lagoon..."
for q = 1, 180 do
player.Character.Body.Rotation = 180 + q
game.Environment.FogAmount = game.Environment.FogAmount + 0.005
local betweenworlds = script.Parent:getChild("Between Levels"):clone()
betweenworlds.Parent = player.UI
local value = create("GameObjectValue")
value.Name = "Playa"
value.Value = player
value.Parent = betweenworlds
local scriptz = create("Script")
scriptz.Source = [[
local levelicon = "http://buildism.net/wiki/w/images/2/22/Buildismaran_--_The_Lagoon_Logo.PNG"
local player = script.Parent.Playa.Value
local betweenworlds = script.Parent
betweenworlds.LevelIcon.Image = levelicon
betweenworlds.UIImageButton.Image = "http://buildism.net/asset/1401.png"
betweenworlds.TextButton.Text = "The Lagoon is a normal-sized world."
betweenworlds.TextButton.Text = "My brother George is the teleporter-agent there."
betweenworlds.TextButton.Text = "There's two boats and a palm tree, but be careful!"
betweenworlds.TextButton.Text = "I've heard word from seismologists that an earthquake might happen..."
game:getWorld("NewWorld").Environment.FogAmount = 1
player.Character.Parent = game:getWorld("NewWorld").World
local fogdown = create("Script")
fogdown.Parent = game.World
fogdown.Source = 'while true do sleep(0.005); if game:getWorld("NewWorld").Environment.FogAmount > 0 then game:getWorld("NewWorld").Environment.FogAmount = game:getWorld("NewWorld").Environment.FogAmount - 0.005; else break end end; script:remove()'
scriptz.Parent = betweenworlds

RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - AK-47 - 07-01-2011


Maybe the camera won't update as the player's world changes.

Report to Jacob_? Maybe you could move this to the "Bug Reports" section so Jacob_ could see it.

RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Qwertygiy - 07-01-2011

It IS in the Bug Reports forum.

RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-01-2011

The physics engine update caused some problems with welds.

Anything else is probably a bug in your script, because the camera still works like it did before as long as you use game.Players.PlayerName.Camera instead of game.Camera.

RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Qwertygiy - 07-01-2011

The odd thing is, I didn't change the script at ALL, and it worked fine before. I added the two "sleep(0.1)"s so that the music would play properly afterwards, but it still glitched.

Also, I noticed some error about line 9 in some "CameraScript" at one point...

RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Qwertygiy - 07-02-2011

It seems that the CameraScript keeps spawning and respawning and breaking.

CameraScript.Line 9: attempted index of non-table

function shakeCamera()
i = 1
while i > 0 do
local vec = Vec2D(math.random(1, 3), math.random(1, 3)):mul(Vec2D(i, i))
local rotation = math.random(-4, 4) * i
if math.random() > 0.5 then
vec = vec:mul(Vec2D(-1, -1))
game.CurrentCamera.Offset = vec --Line 9
game.CurrentCamera.RotationOffset = rotation
i = i - 0.25
game.CurrentCamera.Offset = Vec2D(0, 0)
game.CurrentCamera.RotationOffset = 0
link(script.Parent.Collided, function(part, velocity) if math.abs(velocity.y) > 20 then shakeCamera() end end)


RE: I think the new camera update has somehow messed up Buildismaran. - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-04-2011

If you use player.Camera instead of game.CurrentCamera, does it work? game.CurrentCamera isn't really recommended to be used in scripts.

Edit: never mind, that's not your script. Tongue I'll look at it tomorrow.