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Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - Printable Version

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Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - Mortal_Kombat - 03-01-2013

I mean really. Is it just me or what?

ಠnಠ Mondays

RE: Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - Void - 03-01-2013

If they are all OP then wouldn't they balance eachother out?

EDIT: And it's Thursday, not Monday. Tongue

RE: Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - Oak - 03-01-2013

I've never played it before, so thus I wouldn't know.

RE: Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - Who - 03-01-2013

If they weren't all overpowered as they are the game would't be as gory and intence.

RE: Does anyone also think that people in MK are overpowered? - ijfeswijfae - 03-02-2013

No, it's completely normal to rip someone's spine out or skin them to death.