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HALP NOAW! - Printable Version

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HALP NOAW! - Fish - 07-04-2011

Someone PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO HOW TO LOGIN ON ROBLOX WITH A 403 ERROR! D: Pwleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaazzzzzzeeeeeeeee! Thnx.

RE: HALP NOAW! - sergentkyle - 07-04-2011

Use a proxy.

RE: HALP NOAW! - broloxer - 07-04-2011

You're fucking IP'd for doing something, wait it off like a man.

RE: HALP NOAW! - Spongebob1212 - 07-04-2011

What sergentkyle said.

RE: HALP NOAW! - Fish - 07-04-2011

(07-04-2011, 09:21 PM)sergentkyle Wrote: Use a proxy.

HOOOOOOOW;1/';[]-04I5RIKOE[W2=POVJGFR, Make a video showing plz.

RE: HALP NOAW! - sergentkyle - 07-04-2011


On Google type in proxy server. When you get there. type in the website you wish to use the proxy on.

RE: HALP NOAW! - broloxer - 07-04-2011

Lol, I'm going to be a butthurt and call you a Kieron for using a proxy

Oh, and may I add in, good luck being deleted on that alt.

RE: HALP NOAW! - Fish - 07-04-2011

(07-04-2011, 09:25 PM)sergentkyle Wrote: *Sigh*

On Google type in proxy server. When you get there. type in the website you wish to use the proxy on.

I can noawt log on to roblox! ):

RE: HALP NOAW! - sergentkyle - 07-04-2011

I had the same problem. go back to the proxy page and randomly check things and uncheck things and see if it works.

RE: HALP NOAW! - broloxer - 07-04-2011

You realize a 404 error is an IP ban, and if you go through one you're deleted.
