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Could I be a mod? - Printable Version

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Could I be a mod? - Fish - 07-05-2011

Not asking, but would I be a good one? :o

RE: Could I be a mod? - Tyler - 07-05-2011

Kind of...

RE: Could I be a mod? - Who - 07-05-2011

I dont think so...

RE: Could I be a mod? - Blandflakes - 07-05-2011

You would be a great mod.

RE: Could I be a mod? - Fire - 07-05-2011

You wouldnt be a bad mod! You just need to control your rages a bit more.

RE: Could I be a mod? - Ashely - 07-05-2011

You just need to mature a bit more, being a mod takes a huge toll.

RE: Could I be a mod? - Fish - 07-05-2011

(07-05-2011, 03:47 PM)Ashely Wrote: You just need to mature a bit more, being a mod takes a huge toll.

All the times I rag'd is when I didn't have my Depression Medication! D: My mom is trying to make me take a diffrent type of medication, I don't want it! Also the only girl Buildist I know but Blandflakes is a mod but me.. Hmm.. Weird. AND BLANDFLAKES IS A GIRL!

RE: Could I be a mod? - Qwertygiy - 07-05-2011

He might dispute that.

And remember, you've been permabanned once. That's not such a good recommendation for being a moderator.

RE: Could I be a mod? - Micky - 07-05-2011

I would rather not select you as moderator if you are under medication...

RE: Could I be a mod? - Blandflakes - 07-05-2011