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Why The First Amendment SUCKS! - Printable Version

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Why The First Amendment SUCKS! - BuildistGuard - 07-06-2011

It Protects stupid people like the WestBoro, KKK, Soccer Moms, and these dumb people:

But doesn't do any crap to protect you against stuff like this:

Seriously, screw it. Well Racist groups must be banned and shot on sight like Extremists and Gangsters. People in the Westboro must stop hating Jews and Calling Obama the "AntiChrist" and they should streotyping other religions for no reason.

What about Food Libel Laws? The food Companys can sue there Critics for Giving even constructive criticism to the company. That is definitly wrong.

The First Amendment should be revised. I support Freedom Of Speech, but the First amendment has gone to far and it is definitly outdated. Do you Agree?

RE: Why The First Amendment SUCKS! - Ming-Yan - 07-06-2011

Sir you sound like a rambling person that has not passed his constitution test.

RE: Why The First Amendment SUCKS! - Paradox - 07-06-2011

Well it protects against this.