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Editing MyBB: ModCP Rigging - Printable Version

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Editing MyBB: ModCP Rigging - Mustachio - 07-07-2011

Ever wanted to make yourself an account on your own forum without the mods(or hackers) knowing? Well now you can, by adding this 4-line code to the modcp.php file!

First, open your FTP Manager and go to the directory with the modcp.php file.

Second, open up modcp.php

Third, press CTRL+F and search for:
Quote:['action'] == "ipsearch"

Fourth, after the add_breadcrumb line, type this code:
PHP Code:
$ip "" //Replace with your IP
if($mybb->input['ipaddress'] == "$ip"){
Header('Location: modcp.php');

Now try looking up your IP, it should take you back to the modcp.php file!

RE: Editing MyBB: ModCP Rigging - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-07-2011

If they couldn't look up your IP though, they would know something was up... it's like on a minecraft CTF server I went to, when you tried to view the admin's stats he got an error. Obviously he edited his points and didn't want anyone to know.