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My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Printable Version

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My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Ming-Yan - 07-11-2011

I went, no it's not even 6 o'clock yet and she's like no at 6 there aren't other dogs. Then I go "why does it matter walking a dog is not play with other dogs time". Really when was the last time you saw someone walk a dog and let them play with EVERY DOG ALONG THE WAY?

Then my brother goes "walking a dog isn't just letting them pee and poop, they need exercise" and I'm like...no it does just mean so they can pee and poop. Plus exercise? You think jumping on another dog and sniffing each other is exercise? By the definition, I should be the most fit person on the planet.

Gosh they don't know how to act like normal people :|


RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Chaos - 07-11-2011

Walking = exercise and bathroom.

RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Ming-Yan - 07-11-2011

Pssh it's just walking 3 blocks and then wait while she sniffs everything.

RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Slendurrman - 07-11-2011


RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Ming-Yan - 07-11-2011

Last time she saw a dog that tied to a tree and then it got off the tree and the owner got ticked. I'm not letting her play with random dogs anymore.

RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Fish - 07-12-2011

My dog runs across the field. We have a gate we can walk out to and he can just run and play with other dogs. Plus we have a huge back garden, he likes to sit and run around out their..

RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Fish - 07-20-2011


RE: My Sister Came Home and Asked if I Walked the Dog - Ice - 07-20-2011

I like walking the dog, it's something to do.