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Music and Sport Sections? - Printable Version

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Music and Sport Sections? - Ice - 07-20-2011

Do you think enough users would use these?

Music Section; you could post your favorite song, songs you hate, new songs, and so on.

Sports Section; post current events in the sport world, favorite teams, scores, etc.

Good or bad idea?

RE: Music and Sport Sections? - Ming-Yan - 07-20-2011

I get a feeling that these will become inactive due to the "these are off topic subjects so why not post them in OT" feeling that will be generated by the time the forum is widely used.

They could be put into a thread like the YouTube one, but I get the feeling that there will be no discussion and posts will get lost in the multipage thread.
I guess a sub forum would be the best, but I assumed you would have meant that anyway.