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Post your City Flag here - Printable Version

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Post your City Flag here - ijfeswijfae - 03-13-2013

[Image: 800px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Rio_Grande.svg.png]

It's the flag of my hometown, and also the flag of the Republic of the Rio Grande, a former independent nation in 1840.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Leonartist - 03-13-2013

[Image: Flag_of_El_Paso_Texas_svg.png]

RE: Post your City Flag here - VenomSinister - 03-13-2013

[Image: Iran-Flag.gif]

Flag of Iran.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Oak - 03-13-2013

(03-13-2013, 09:35 AM)VenomSinister Wrote: [Image: Iran-Flag.gif]

Flag of Iran.

Iran is a country; not a city, Mr. Bin Laden.

RE: Post your City Flag here - VenomSinister - 03-13-2013

(03-13-2013, 12:00 PM)Oak Wrote:
(03-13-2013, 09:35 AM)VenomSinister Wrote: [Image: Iran-Flag.gif]

Flag of Iran.

Iran is a country; not a city, Mr. Bin Laden.

Sorry, Iran is kind of a city... sorry yar.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Oak - 03-13-2013

[Image: flagge-new-york-stadt.gif]


RE: Post your City Flag here - ijfeswijfae - 03-16-2013

So did everyone who lives in a city or country other than Laredo, El Paso, NYC, or Iran have their flags burned or are they too mentally ill to follow instructions?

Come on guys, it isn't so hard to go to Wikipedia and copy paste the image link of your city's flag between image tags, unless you're innerwebs and you're too busy shouting off self-hating American suburbia teens on Steam with inane "freedom" disses.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Oak - 03-16-2013

You should know that some people who ARE smart don't wanna tell where they live.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Ghosty - 03-16-2013

I don't think the large city nearest to where I live has a flag, but it has a city seal, according to Google.

[Image: City-Seal-1949.jpg]

And yeah, Oak, I don't live there, it's just the closest city of any real size to where I live.

RE: Post your City Flag here - Oak - 03-16-2013

I'm assuming you live in a rural area, Ghosty.