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Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Printable Version

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Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Ming-Yan - 07-25-2011

A lot of the nondiscussional "tweet" like threads usually get lost when it is just a long string of posts with no discussion to it. I know these usually have no discussion value, but the reaction to something is similar to a status on Facebook. Although it is completely pointless and not made to be a thread, people comment anyway.

My only concern with changing it to this is if it:
-Turns into /b/ of buildism
-Makes GD abandoned

-If it is moderated correctly, I don't think it should become a troll/spam box.
-Well considering people are posting stuff in it's respective spot right now, it should be fine. Plus, if it belongs in GD it can just be moved.

What do you guys think? inb4hasbeensuggestedbutididn'twanttobumpanoldthread

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-25-2011

(07-25-2011, 05:40 PM)Ming-Yan Wrote: A lot of the nondiscussional "tweet" like threads usually get lost when it is just a long string of posts with no discussion to it. I know these usually have no discussion value, but the reaction to something is similar to a status on Facebook. Although it is completely pointless and not made to be a thread, people comment anyway.

My only concern with changing it to this is if it:
-Turns into /b/ of buildism
-Makes GD abandoned

-If it is moderated correctly, I don't think it should become a troll/spam box.
-Well considering people are posting stuff in it's respective spot right now, it should be fine. Plus, if it belongs in GD it can just be moved.

What do you guys think? inb4hasbeensuggestedbutididn'twanttobumpanoldthread

How about a "blog" forum? Each person gets a blog thread, and other users can comment on the posts.

Another forum that I was a member of did this, and it worked really well. They had a chaos thread too, and people still found stuff to talk about there.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Ming-Yan - 07-25-2011

That works, it's like a mini tumblr in a forum. Big Grin

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Domino - 07-26-2011

Sure, I'd like that.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Chaos - 07-26-2011

Just allow up to have personal blogs in mybb. I think they have those. Or code some up.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Domino - 07-26-2011

I'd love to have this Chaos thread section, I litteraly can't post something because it'll get locked because I have to PM the person, but I want others to see, but they don't know that. :/

*I no want fight pl0x*

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Ashely - 07-26-2011

Sounds cool.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Login - 07-26-2011

I'd still like that Nyan Cat background, though. I find it amusing and suitable.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Ashely - 07-26-2011

(07-26-2011, 01:55 PM)Login Wrote: I'd still like that Nyan Cat background, though. I find it amusing and suitable.

I agree.

RE: Chaos Thread Be Expanded to Chaos Subforum? - Login - 07-26-2011

(07-26-2011, 02:09 PM)Ashely Wrote:
(07-26-2011, 01:55 PM)Login Wrote: I'd still like that Nyan Cat background, though. I find it amusing and suitable.

I agree.

The Nyan Cat is pretty cool. Maybe background music too. :p