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Renaming the site and starting over? - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

Renaming the site and starting over? - TheFlame - 07-23-2011

Well,this could get interesting!

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Brassrhino - 07-23-2011


RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Ashely - 07-23-2011

It can be avoided if more people start making games instead of foruming (Including myself.)

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Chaos - 07-23-2011

I think I need to update my java. It's very laggy.

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - simonheros - 07-23-2011

That would be horrible :/

Just starting again from scratch...

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Ice - 07-23-2011

It's just an option.

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Fire - 07-23-2011


RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - DSiDewd - 07-23-2011

Aw, crap. Just another reason to regret my inability to grasp the concept of programming languages. -_- And creativity.

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Ice - 07-23-2011

I really hope it doesn't come down to this.

RE: Renaming the site and starting over? - Qwertygiy - 07-23-2011

(07-23-2011, 11:35 PM)DSiDewd Wrote: Aw, crap. Just another reason to regret my inability to grasp the concept of programming languages. -_- And creativity.

I have the exact opposite, which is just as bad. I think up too many good ideas to stick to a project very long, and I'm good enough at scripting to get just about anything done, so I end up with 5 billion unfinished projects.