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What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Printable Version

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What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Who - 07-24-2011

I would say it is Enter The Matrix

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Who - 07-24-2011

Feel free to name another game ._.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Litvyak - 07-25-2011

Oh man, that looks fun.

Probably Minority Report? I don't know, I havn't played it in years.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Who - 07-26-2011

Thanks, ill be sure to check it out, also i recomend you try Enter the Matrix, it has (in my opinion) the most complex free targeting system fighting style you will ever find

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Fat_Sacks - 07-26-2011

Try Spiderman 2 for the original Xbox. So many combos! I could only pull-off two maybe three.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Ashely - 07-26-2011

My nephew has mortal Combat for xbox 360.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Fat_Sacks - 07-26-2011

Compared to these games, MK has the easiest fighting system ever.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Ashely - 07-26-2011

It looks complex.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Fat_Sacks - 07-26-2011

It's not, you mash the X button and boom- you pulled-off a combo.

RE: What is the game with the most complex fighting system? - Ashely - 07-26-2011

Arent all games like that? You press the right buttons and you got yourself a combo?