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Skins sometimes show up as avatars. - Printable Version

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Skins sometimes show up as avatars. - Leonartist - 03-16-2013

Sometimes when I go on the 2DWorlds forum, I see that the skin I'm wearing is my forum avatar. Personally, I think we should have our skins be the forum avatars like on Buildism. What do you think?

RE: Skins sometimes show up as avatars. - Oak - 03-16-2013

I don't understand what you are saying.
But we need forum profile pictures back.

RE: Skins sometimes show up as avatars. - ijfeswijfae - 03-16-2013

But skins are the forum avatars, at least that's what I'm understanding from you.

RE: Skins sometimes show up as avatars. - Oak - 03-16-2013

Agreed with Myem.
I really don't understand why people would want their avatars skins as the forum profile picture though.