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Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - Printable Version

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Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - ijfeswijfae - 03-18-2013


If you hate pretentious dipshits that are obsessively focused on keeping their secret club elitism, this will make you rage.

RE: Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - ijfeswijfae - 03-18-2013

Fucking hell, Sethi Xzon went into full shitposting mode.
Why couldn't these people just be born during the Holocaust in Auschwitz and come out brutally disfigured? His renders are shit too.

RE: Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - Virtual - 03-18-2013

Those guys started hating for no reason at all

RE: Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - Who - 03-18-2013

"take your gay Buildism shit and shove it back up your ass"

"The most retarded shit ever created."

"What the hell kind of name is ghosty?"

I laughed.

RE: Leonartist referenced us on IronNoob - Oak - 03-18-2013

Quote:The most retarded shit ever created.

I really cant disagree with that statement.