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Buildism memories - Printable Version

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Buildism memories - Ashely - 08-04-2011

Hey guys,
This thread is for you to share your most fun, proudest, funniest, craziest, and weirdest Buildism memories.

I'll start off:
I remember when I deleted all of Kierons post/threads not knowing it would delete the post of the users who replied. Ice and Sumo (If he were active) would have been probably around the 3,500 mark.

RE: Buildism memories - Nice - 08-04-2011

Yeah I remember that! Tongue
I didn't loose any of my posts.

RE: Buildism memories - Glome - 08-04-2011

Just to let you know I don't think this should be a pinned thread.

Anyway mine is designing the games page and then jacob_ actually implementing it :U

RE: Buildism memories - Ice - 08-04-2011

Actually I didn't lose many post from that. I loss less than 50 post.

RE: Buildism memories - Ashely - 08-04-2011

Opps sorry, I know Micky lost a lot.

RE: Buildism memories - Fish - 08-04-2011

When I spam rag'd the forum.

RE: Buildism memories - Ashely - 08-04-2011

(08-04-2011, 02:47 PM)Fish Wrote: When I spam rag'd the forum.

Lucky I wasn't on =p

RE: Buildism memories - Fire - 08-04-2011

a.k.a yesterday..

uhm, Is it sad that I can't think of any.

RE: Buildism memories - Nice - 08-04-2011

But why do I loose my posts sometimes?

RE: Buildism memories - Ashely - 08-04-2011

(08-04-2011, 02:53 PM)Nice Wrote: But why do I loose my posts sometimes?

It's probably because you posted on threads that were deleted.