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Motion blur - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

Motion blur - Fat_Sacks - 08-06-2011

You know like [Image: htig3k.png]
The faster the object goes, the more blurred it is.

RE: Motion blur - Ashely - 08-06-2011

Oh I get it.

So your saying if we run (Shift Key) our characters should have motion blur?

RE: Motion blur - Qwertygiy - 08-06-2011

No, I think he means that if we run everything ELSE goes blur. :3

RE: Motion blur - Fat_Sacks - 08-06-2011

No, if any object it moving, it should have motion blur.
Or if a character is moving REALLY fast the area around the character blurs
And the camera blurs in the edges.

RE: Motion blur - Ashely - 08-06-2011

Oh okay.
Thanks for clarifying.

RE: Motion blur - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 08-07-2011

I really want to add something like this, but you can't do hardware accelerated effects in Java so it would make the game really slow. I tried to make a simple grayscale effect and it made Buildism run at about 4 FPS.

The next major version of Java (1.7) is actually supposed to fix this, but the final release keeps getting delayed and the early versions are buggier than an apartment with peanut butter smeared all over the walls.

RE: Motion blur - Fish - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 02:27 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: buggier than an apartment with peanut butter smeared all over the walls.

What kind Mephor is that? xD

RE: Motion blur - Paradox - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 02:49 AM)Fish Wrote:
(08-07-2011, 02:27 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: buggier than an apartment with peanut butter smeared all over the walls.

What kind Mephor is that? xD

A good one.

RE: Motion blur - Player1up - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 02:49 AM)Fish Wrote:
(08-07-2011, 02:27 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: buggier than an apartment with peanut butter smeared all over the walls.

What kind Mephor is that? xD

A simile.

RE: Motion blur - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 08-07-2011

(08-07-2011, 02:49 AM)Fish Wrote:
(08-07-2011, 02:27 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: buggier than an apartment with peanut butter smeared all over the walls.

What kind Mephor is that? xD

I actually stole it from a book about Macs that is older than me. Tongue