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THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) (/showthread.php?tid=7831)

THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Plaster - 08-08-2011

This is Chaos! All that spam WAS NOT ME. Someone PG'd me! I would never spam!

I swear! I was hacked!

This has been happening to all my accounts! Even on facebook! I think some guy got my info!

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Glome - 08-08-2011

It's true. Someone hacked his facebook.

It wasn't chaos who spammed, he wouldn't do that he likes this website and would never spam it.

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Plaster - 08-08-2011

Please unban me!

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - lol - 08-08-2011

Now I'm getting paranoid... The house guests are not satisfied at all by this fear.

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Plaster - 08-08-2011

I'm sorry. I'm just so off right now. That shook me.

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Chaos - 08-08-2011

Thank you Paradox. I'm changing my password now.

RE: THAT WAS NOT ME (Chaos) - Paradox - 08-08-2011

(08-08-2011, 04:33 AM)Chaos Wrote: Thank you Paradox. I'm changing my password now.
