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Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Printable Version

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Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Fish - 08-11-2011

I am mad. Why should I have to have a freaking Insullin Pen and diabetic stuff? 11 Year olds shouldn't have to have injections, they should have fun. I am not happy, I r mad. Fat idiots with Type 2 (Fat ones who got it them self, Not old people.) have to have tablets what isn't fair. I don't give a flying Chicken about much, but Y U DELETE MAH PROOF THREAD?! I don't give a Pork eating Sheep if my panacreas cells died. Y U DELETE MAH THREAD?!?! U YOU DELETE EET MODZ? That was my proof fo' all of you! And to Broloxer. >.>

RE: Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Ashely - 08-11-2011

You we're talking about suicide.

Fish, You really need help...I'm not trying to be mean but I recommentd you see a therapist.

RE: Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Fish - 08-11-2011

Lolno, I don't talk to people. I attemped to kill myself alot! I want to die.

RE: Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Login - 08-11-2011

As much as I want to help you, I cannot, and this site is not meant to discuss your problems with others. If you question a moderator action, PM a moderator instead.

RE: Y U Delete my Threads mod? - Ashely - 08-11-2011

I'm going to lock this thread before anything that shouldnt happen, happens.

Fish, I found a website for you. Check it out.