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Do you like beer? - Printable Version

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Do you like beer? - noob007 - 08-13-2011

I don't... it tastes like bitter wheat.

RE: Do you like beer? - Qwertygiy - 08-13-2011

Only if you put a root in front.

I have not yet tasted a drink that is not improved by a splash of good old A&W.

RE: Do you like beer? - noob007 - 08-13-2011


What about wine?

RE: Do you like beer? - Qwertygiy - 08-13-2011

I've never even had more than a half a can of caffienated drink. Ever.

RE: Do you like beer? - noob007 - 08-13-2011


But wine doesn't have caffeine.

RE: Do you like beer? - Qwertygiy - 08-13-2011

And by saying I don't normally drink caffiene I imply that I've never (knowingly) had anything with alchohol in it. Nor broken the law as far as I know, which is what I would be doing if I did. ( I don't know about Greece or wherever you are, but in America, under 21 is illegal.)

RE: Do you like beer? - noob007 - 08-13-2011


But alcohol isn't all that bad... it just tastes horrible most of the time. In Greece there is no drinking age, and because of that you almost never see a drunk Greek.

RE: Do you like beer? - Ming-Yan - 08-13-2011

Caffeine isn't alcohol, it's in chocolate, candy, coffee, soda, most other sweets, tea, etc.

Alcohol tastes like crap, I have sum vodka once, it literally tastes like those doctor wipes, and I had some champagne on new years, tasted like a poor watered down, spicy, bitter excuse for sparkling grape.

RE: Do you like beer? - Ming-Yan - 08-13-2011

Children don't get drunk, they fall asleep.
Any alcoholic drink tastes like crap, the only thing it's good for is that warm stinging feeling your get when it goes down. [yeah it's that hawt]

RE: Do you like beer? - Login - 08-13-2011

(08-13-2011, 01:40 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: And by saying I don't normally drink caffiene I imply that I've never (knowingly) had anything with alchohol in it. Nor broken the law as far as I know, which is what I would be doing if I did. ( I don't know about Greece or wherever you are, but in America, under 21 is illegal.)

Things such as wine is actually healthy in small dosages. In Germany, people don't drink to get drunk, and their beer is much better and flavored and they drink wine daily, because they are not told to not drink beer, they're not tempted to want to drink too much.