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This shall be my first script... - Printable Version

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This shall be my first script... - akiake - 08-13-2011

--i <3 already knowing RBX.lua, i made this in a few seconds, and this is my first script
local deb = false
link(game.World.Button1.Collided, function(nope)
if nope.Name == "Body" and deb == false then
deb = true
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(0,255,0) --green
dep = false
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(255,0,0) --red

RE: This shall be my first script... - Qwertygiy - 08-13-2011

Looks right to me... although you might want to start using [lua] tags.

RE: This shall be my first script... - akiake - 08-13-2011

[lua]--i <3 already knowing RBX.lua, i made this in a few seconds, and this is my first script
local deb = false
link(game.World.Button1.Collided, function(nope)
if nope.Name == "Body" and deb == false then
deb = true
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(0,255,0) --green
dep = false
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(255,0,0) --red

RE: This shall be my first script... - Paradox - 08-13-2011

That's one big link statement, I don't think it's supposed to be like that.
Let me try.

[lua]local deb = false
function onCollide(hit)
if hit.Name == "Body" and deb == false then
deb = true
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(0,255,0) --green
deb = false
game.World.Button1.Color = Color(255,0,0) --red
link(game.World.Button1.Collided, onCollide)[/lua]

I think that's correct.
By the way, you misspelled "deb = false" and wrote "dep = false" towards the end.

RE: This shall be my first script... - akiake - 08-13-2011


anonymous functions = efficiency