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I NEED HALP! - Printable Version

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I NEED HALP! - Fish - 08-14-2011

My dog has a tick on his ear, How do I get it off? It's new BTW, it's grey. I dunno but now I'm scared by him. D:

RE: I NEED HALP! - Chaos - 08-14-2011

When I had ticks, I had to man it up and tear them off. Remember when you tear it off flush it down the toilet, because you can't smash them.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Paradox - 08-14-2011

(08-14-2011, 05:25 AM)Chaos Wrote: When I had ticks, I had to man it up and tear them off. Remember when you tear it off flush it down the toilet, because you can't smash them.

I was told to burn them.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Ashely - 08-14-2011

Put some alcohol on it, and then pull it off your dog.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Fish - 08-14-2011

OH GAWD, HE BRUSHED THROUGH MY LEGS. IDK why but I'm scared at things like mites. Sad

RE: I NEED HALP! - Aaron - 08-14-2011

I usually burn ticks. Or do it the safe way like Ashley said.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Login - 08-14-2011

Ticks. You should get your parents to handle it - if you do something wrong, you might tear a part of it off and leave some of it on the dog, I'm not sure which part, but it does something - and I'd recommend leaving it to your parents to fix.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Qwertygiy - 08-14-2011

Tweezers is how I've always seen them advise. Grab as near the mouth as you can.

Also, make sure your dog has been vaccinated for lyme disease -- some ticks carry it.

RE: I NEED HALP! - Who - 08-14-2011

Oh, I know, cut the dog's ear, problem solved Cool

RE: I NEED HALP! - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 08-14-2011

Tweezers. If you just grab the tick and pull, its mouthparts might stay inside the dog and get infected.

Ask your mom or dad, they might have done this before.