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Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Printable Version

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Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - CoderRyne - 08-14-2011

First and foremost, I would like to give my most sincere thank you to the Buildism administration and moderation team for accepting me onto the moderation team. I have already stated a lot of what I wanted to say in Ashely's welcoming thread located in the announcements forum, but I just wanted to give you, the Buildism staff alone, my input on a thing or two, even though I'm completely exhausted and ready to retire for the night.

I'd like to thank the entire team for helping me to learn what I needed to learn before I joined the team. I'd also like to thank each and every one of you for something that you have done to assist me in my learning experience and in other ways on Buildism.

The first person I'd like to give a sincere thank-you to would be Ashely. She has not only turned out the be a fabulous community manager, but also a fabulous friend. Ashely has been there for me since the beginning, and if it weren't for her adding me on XFire, I would have probably never given Buildism a second chance to see what Buildism really is like from the inside and out. She welcomed be back to this excellent community, and during my time here, she has been very helpful to me in all ways. I also want to thank her for giving me this opportunity to show you guys what I've got. Thank you for hiring me, Ashely. I won't let you or the community down. Before I move on, I want to give one more thank you to Ashely for a very special reason: thank you for taking excellent care of Buildism. It's truly inspiring to see such a dedicated community manager working so hard on making our community a better place for everyone.

I also want to thank Jacob_ for his constant support. Not only has he inspired me to become a better programmer through his work, but he has also shown me a great deal of kindness and support for what I do. This is something that only the best of the best of the game owners out there do for their members. You're one of them, and it's an honor to know someone like you. Thank you for everything, Jacob.

I want to thank Login for being a terrific help to me for whenever I need his assistance. I had him take action on many threads and posts during the Order's existence. He followed through with everything I requested of him, and because of his help, Buildism was able to get rid of the Order permanently. I thank you for that, Login, on top of your willingness to be my good friend. Keep up the excellent work!

I can't forget about Fire, however. Fire has been an excellent help with hearing me out on my moderation plan for cleaning up the Order's mess, likewise to the plan I came up with for Login's moderating. She also ended up becoming a friend of mine after we spoke on XFire for a while. Fire, you're a great person with a great personality; what could be better than that? Keep it up, my friend! Thanks for everything you have done to keep Buildism a user-friendly environment.

I sadly need to leave in a few minutes, but before I go, I can't forget about everyone else. Thank you to Ice, Interwebs, Qwertygiy, Sazaho, Paradox, Tyler, and scripter for all of their hard work with keeping the community clean. To those of you who are now my friends, you know who you are. I appreciate our friendships more than you know, and I hope to remain friends with you guys for a long time. To those of you who are not currently my friends, rather, acquaintances, let's take the opportunity as soon as possible to become friends. It would be great to know that we can rely on each other as more than just co-workers.

I'm going to bed before I fall asleep at the computer. I'm sorry that I must leave so suddenly, and if this thread is by any chance filled with flaws, you can probably infer why. I'll fix my thread up tomorrow to continue with what I was getting at. I also have another thread that I need to make regarding expectations. You'll see what I mean.

Goodnight everyone.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Ice - 08-14-2011

I think you were definitely a good choice. I'm sure your going to do great.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - CoderRyne - 08-14-2011

Thank you, Ice! I'll do my best to keep everything running smoothly.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Login - 08-14-2011

Very nice job, Ryne! Congratulations, I wish you awesome luck in the moderation team! You have the great skills of a moderator! Have a great time moderating.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - CoderRyne - 08-14-2011

Thank you so much, Login! You're an excellent moderator too, and I won't let you guys down. I appreciate all of what you have done for Buildism and how you took my advice in times of "crisis". Keep up the great work, my friend.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Qwertygiy - 08-14-2011

I figured it was only a matter of time before this happened. Congratulations and welcome to the Buildism staff.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - CoderRyne - 08-14-2011

Thank you, QwertyGiy!

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Fat_Sacks - 08-14-2011

I actually seen this happen somewhere in the future, but I had no idea you'd get promoted so fast, anyway, welcome to the team. I hope for you to also get Steam, so me and a few other users can communicate with you via Steam chat.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - CoderRyne - 08-14-2011

Thanks for the warm welcoming to the team, Interwebs. I actually do have a Steam account, but I can't actually use it because I haven't bought any games with it. I'm going to see if I can get the Buildism moderation and administration teams on XFire, which is a gaming community chat between two or more people at once. It's very similar to Steam, but I prefer XFire for various reasons from my experience.

I already have Ashely, Login, Fire, Chaos, and a few other people who are all at least fairly active on XFire, so we should all do a group chat sometime. Let me know if this is a good idea.

RE: Regarding my promotion to Sectional-Moderator. - Fat_Sacks - 08-14-2011

We actually have a Buildism staff group on Steam. Also, tell me your username on Steam, so I can add you and so me, Jacob and Paradox all chat together.