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My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Printable Version

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My resignation & farewell to the internet. - CoderRyne - 08-25-2011

Good day to the Buildism community. I must make this thread as fast as possible due to reasons that you will see soon.

I need to thank the entire Buildism community and administration for making me a better person. You have all been such great people. I thank Ashely and Login in particular for a variety of reasons, but let me just name a few:

Ashely has saved my life without even knowing it. I have been going through some severe physical and mental health deterioration due to spending so much time on the computer. I have finally found out the hard way that she was actually right when she accused me of wasting my life on the internet. I thank you so much for your support, and I hope that you remain a fantastic person and law enforcer. Best of luck to you.

Login, you have been one of my best friends, and I thank you for all of your support. I hope to see you soon and continue having philosophical conversations with you in the future. That's really all I can say right now. Thank you for everything.

As to the rest of you, thank you for helping me grow as not only a professional, but also as a person with a big heart for everyone. Sadly, I must do more than leave Buildism; real life awaits me.

As far as the internet goes, take my word on this one: do not waste your precious lives on the internet! There is so much out there for you guys, and now I have less than a year left of my "childhood" years. I am full of regrets, and now I have finally taken the proper action as to give up the internet (for now at least) so that I can recover from my illnesses.

With all that being said, I officially resign my position on Buildism. In addition to Buildism, I resign my career (or at least postpone my programming career) temporarily. Jacob, best of luck to you, and follow your dreams. The same goes to all of you.

Goodbye, friends.

Over and out,
Ryne Thiel
CS / Programming student

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - noob007 - 08-25-2011

I'm glad you took this decision. Hopefully you'll find something else that interests you that's not computer related.

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Ice - 08-28-2011

Play some basketball. Smile

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Ashely - 08-28-2011

Your very welcome.

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Fish - 08-28-2011

You're right! I am 11, I have under 2 years left of being a kid. But diabetes destroyed my Karate and Autism my school. I AM GOING TO DO SOMETHING! Thanks and farewell Codyer. Have a great life.

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Hippo - 08-28-2011

Have a good life that isn't wasted. Unlike Duck.

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - lol - 08-28-2011

Demote time?

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Fire - 08-29-2011

Bye Bye ): You were a good friend!

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Brassrhino - 09-08-2011

Goodbye, Ryne. I hope you find something other than online games that interests you, preferably something that could be a pursuable career.

RE: My resignation & farewell to the internet. - Login - 09-09-2011

(09-08-2011, 11:56 PM)Brassrhino Wrote: Goodbye, Ryne. I hope you find something other than online games that interests you, preferably something that could be a pursuable career.
