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Can you crack this message? - Printable Version

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Can you crack this message? - VenomSinister - 03-27-2013

I've figured out just a little bit of it. I found this at zodiackiller.com
At the very end on the left it clearly says: Zodiac killer. I found this out by myself and that might be why the website is called that and btw I found out something else too, if you take a look at it from a far distance, you can see a figure... a man.
[Image: 340cipher.gif]

RE: Can you crack this message? - Oak - 03-28-2013

I'm trying to figure out what those filled in circles represent, cant..
This is a tough one.

RE: Can you crack this message? - Omega - 03-28-2013

This is a letter written by the Zodiac Killer a murderer with cryptic messages from about the 80s. These letters were hard to decrypt which is why he got away with the murders of over 8 people. He had been inactive since the late eighties.

He is the reason the Origami Killer was created for Heavy Rain, the cryptic messages and all

RE: Can you crack this message? - Oak - 03-31-2013

Omega, did you just look this up?

RE: Can you crack this message? - ijfeswijfae - 03-31-2013

(03-31-2013, 03:21 PM)Oak Wrote: Omega, did you just look this up?

It's a good idea to not always project your intelligence on other people who actually know shit at the right time.

RE: Can you crack this message? - Omega - 04-01-2013

No, I didn't look this up. Realize that people find their information at places other than the Google search engine, it's actually possible.