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A recount of active users - Printable Version

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A recount of active users - Qwertygiy - 09-19-2011

Since the Great Buildism Depression, many of our formerly active users have left or become very inactive. So here's a list of currently active users who come online regularly:

Hippo_Yay (Cheesesticks)

There are others who aren't INACTIVE, exactly, like Ashely or CoderRyne or Micky, but these are the people who are here most days. It might be interesting to notice that all the first moderators are included on this list, and with the exception of roperson, all of the rest of them joined during or after the April Fools Raid.

RE: A recount of active users - Duck - 09-19-2011

Which is why we should get more people from roblox.

I'd like to point out that I actually had a look around the site when the people were saying to raid and decided against raiding because it looked like a nice site

RE: A recount of active users - Land - 09-19-2011

You think I'm not active anymore?

RE: A recount of active users - Hippo - 09-19-2011

I've never heard of TheBuisnessBandit and I haven't seen noob007 for a while.

Also, I'm pretty sure Jacob didn't join during the April Fools Raid XD.

RE: A recount of active users - Qwertygiy - 09-19-2011

@Land If you have been active, you've only been lurking, doing nothing.

TBB doesn't post, but he's made some skins and is pretty active. noob007 is arguably the most active forum mod at the moment -- I've seen him on each day this week. And I meant to say "the rest of them" there -- the first moderators (Jacob_ included) and roperson are the only active members from before the April raid.

RE: A recount of active users - Good - 09-19-2011

I wish I could be a mod

¿Como te llamos?
Me llamo Good.

RE: A recount of active users - Brassrhino - 09-20-2011


RE: A recount of active users - Tyler - 09-20-2011

We need to make an ad. Does Jacob_ have enough money for a Google Text Ad?

RE: A recount of active users - Ming-Yan - 09-20-2011

I joined before the raid. :>

RE: A recount of active users - Scripter - 09-21-2011

I joined during the raid, but before april. Big Grin

Anyways, I only pop in every once in a while. Sad