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Roblox Jokes - Printable Version

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Roblox Jokes - Qwertygiy - 10-03-2011

Know any good jokes? Like making fun of the big red R? Post 'em here Cool


So Telamon, killerlvl900, and TheFurryFox are together in a ROBLOX server.
They talk about random stuff, this guy's place, that guy's retexture, this other guy's video, who fails the most at singing.

Then killerlvl900, wanting to show off, pulls out his ray gun. He tosses up his cap and shoots it. "On ROBLOX, we have so many hats, we don't have to wear the same ones twice."

Telamon, obviously impressed, pulls out his fried chicken, and smashes it on the ground. "On ROBLOX, we have so many gears, we don't have to use the same ones twice."

TheFurryfox, watching with slight amusement, draws his rocket launcher and shoots Telamon and killerlvl900. "On ROBLOX, we have so many noobs, we don't have to talk to the same ones twice."


Steve Jobs, Jacob Morgan, and John Shedletsky die and go to heaven.

They are met inside the big office for company owners, and are met by St. Paul. He shows them the impressive wall of company clocks. "Each time a company makes a bad, stupid, or unrecoverable mistake, the clocks move ahead one second," he tells them. They walk over to the computer-company section.

"There's Apple's," says St. Paul. "It's only moved 14 seconds," says John. "Impressive," says Jacob. "And here's Buildism's," remarks Steve. "Woah," Jacob_ notices, "It's only gone 2 seconds." John looks a bit confused. "Where's ROBLOX's company clock?" he asks St. Paul.

"Oh, it's in the main office," he replies. "Jesus uses it for a ceiling fan."

RE: Roblox Jokes - Dignity - 10-03-2011

I lol'd at the second one.

RE: Roblox Jokes - Qwertygiy - 10-03-2011

Here's another similar one:

Jesus was up in heaven and got bored. So he decided to come down to the world and see how things were going. He walked a little ways and saw a man sitting down crying. He walked up to him and asked, "Why are you crying?"

The man replied, "I've been blind all my life and never been able to see."
Jesus reached out to him and the man was able to see. The man was overjoyed and walked off.

Jesus walked on. He came to another man, sitting down in a wheelchair and crying. He asked, "Why are you crying?"

The man replied, "I'm paralyzed, and I've never been able to use my legs." Jesus reached out to him and the man was able to walk. He got up, in pure joy, and walked off.

Jesus walked on a bit, feeling a bit happy, and saw another man sitting down, crying, face in his hands. He asked, "Why are you crying?"

The man replied, "I'm the customer service manager at ROBLOX."

And Jesus sat down and cried with him.

RE: Roblox Jokes - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 10-04-2011

What's the difference between a Boeing airliner and a Roblox game server?

The plane can hold more than 15 people without crashing.

In 2101, the U.S. government required all online communities in the country to proclaim their loyalty to the government to remain operating. All they had to do was get 25% of their members to send the government an email with the Pledge of Allegiance and their signature.

Roblox was forced to close because fewer than 25% of their players knew how to spell the word "indivisible."

RE: Roblox Jokes - Qwertygiy - 10-04-2011

How are ROBLOX and the US Atomic Bomb program similar?

When they dropped the main site, they forgot to stop the testing.

RE: Roblox Jokes - Hippo - 10-04-2011

For the makers sake, I hope this is a joke.