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Y U NO WORK? - Printable Version

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Y U NO WORK? - BuildismTheory - 10-10-2011

Every time I try to play a game, it shows a new window. AND IT JUST LOADS, AND LOADS, AND LOADS, AND LOADS, AND LOADS, AND LOADS.


RE: Y U NO WORK? - Micky - 10-11-2011

Patince is the key?

RE: Y U NO WORK? - Qwertygiy - 10-11-2011

If patience allows you to wait half an hour, maybe.

RE: Y U NO WORK? - Hippo - 10-11-2011

Qwertygiy your skin is confusing me :S

Anyway, it doesn't take that long for me.

RE: Y U NO WORK? - Qwertygiy - 10-11-2011

Hehehehe. Yeah, I copied Sazaho's skin for Jacob_. Tongue