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Need help - Printable Version

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Need help - Dangerdan - 10-26-2011

Hello. I know LUA pretty well on roblox, and I'm used to the workspace on it, similar to this one. When I run 'game.World.Err:Remove()' on the command line, it says 'Err is not a child of world' Any clues on what I'm doing wrong? Im using this as a test to make a helicopter regen.

RE: Need help - Qwertygiy - 10-26-2011

Here's the code Paradox was attempting to fix for you:

Heli = game.Environment.Helicopter
function OnCollide(collide)
h = Heli:clone()
h.Helip.Position = Vec2D(324.62,51.54)
if game.World:getChild("Helicopter") then

link(script.Parent.Collide, OnCollide)
local enabled = true
link(script.Parent.Collided, function(hit)
if hit.Parent:isA("Character") and enabled then
local copter = game.Storage.Helicopter
local c = copter:clone()
local oldcop = game.World:getChild("Helicopter")
if oldcop then
enabled = false
script.Parent.Color = Color(255, 0, 0)
c.Parent = game.World
script.Parent.Color = Color(0, 255, 0)
enabled = true
end end)

I think the makeJoints part needs work; I might be remembering it wrong.